May 16

Blended 1-10

i think that isabela thinks thats its her fault her parents got divorced but its not but it is not! what i have read on page4 throw 15 or 16 she thinks he messed up.and thats why i think she thout it was her fault

May 9

When stars are scattered

I think omar like almost lost hope going to american be for he went to america on page”Did that un lady from spain do This…,she didn’t talk to nimo that day and that was only a few weeks ago so why”? and i rate this book a 3/5 it was not my favorite book aver but it was a good book

March 1


i think Wavie has mixed fillings about Samantha Rose.On page 180 it says”Samantha Rose had taken my letter”.thats way i think she mixed filling about her.It seed that she started to get angry.and that is anther risone way i think she has mixed fillinges about her